New Moon

回港兩年以來,讀書很少。可能是沒有了在牛津時,處處有書香的環境xx; 也可能是太累; 也可能我根本就是懶,總之,沒半個月,都看不完一本書。
這次令我瘋狂的是Stephenie Meyer。她的大名隨着電影twilight 而無人不識,我也成為了她的小fans。
Twilight是吸血鬼的故事。吸血鬼傳說自上世紀三十年代晉身荷里活後,電影導演已經不斷在為長耳、尖牙利爪的吸血鬼進行美化工程,吸血鬼變得越來越俊朗,湯告魯斯和畢彼特都扮過鬼,這回到Robert Pattinson。第一眼看見他,不美; 再過十分鐘,愛死了他。一個絕頂酷、又沒有女朋友的「王子」,憂鬱的、落寞的出現,蒼白而詭異,但他郤對女主角一片情深。只是沒想到,白馬王子竟然是殭屍,他既冷血也情深,叫人不能不愛,但也愛得痛苦。
Twilight 之後是New Moon,第三集是Eclipse 和breaking Dawn。我把New Moon和Eclipse同步讀,一千三百幾頁書,一天已經讀了一半。這個同時讀幾本書的本領是在英國時學會的,因為professor每次給的readinglist都很長,時間只有一星期,又要分析又要write up又要present,所以不得不速讀。
很感謝Stephenie Meyer在我平凡乏味的生活中給了我不少精神寄託和幻想空間。自少,我就愛幻想,一家人中,老媽說我是最不切實際的一個,也不看重錢,有錢沒錢我真的沒所謂,但就最渴望一生中可以有一些不平凡的經歷。可是,過了三十多年,遇過最不平凡的事,最多是給江主席罵了句「Too simple,sometimes naive」。有過一些小漣漪之後,生活又回復平淡。
真渴望像Stephenie Meyer小說中的bella,一生中跟人狼做朋友,又愛上過彊屍。雖是萬分驚險,但總比每天上班下班,閒時逛街,找個不太愛但算是作個伴的人拍拖結婚好。
其實,做人為什麼要實際? 什麼是實際? 每天上班下班,爭上位,爭名爭利就是實際? 不爭就不實際? 我從小就是一個不實際的人,但偏偏就要實實際際的做人做事,真無奈!


Backoff said…
i'm not trying to start another men/women debate here, but this is my observation from my friends, colleagues, blogs, and forums, etc.

more women likes the Titanic movies than men. and for those who likes it, women like it more.

same thing applies to Twilight.
same thing applies to Harry Potter.
same thing applies to 張愛玲.

opposite applies to Flight Club.
opposite applies to Lord of The Rings.
opposite applies to Alfred Hitchcock.
opposite applies to 金庸.
opposite applies to 安達充.

i cannot pin point the underlying differences in taste of movies, literatures, and stories between men and women. and i think there are too much to be pointed out, anyway. i just think we should, and must, accept such differences.

for myself, the only thing i remember saying when i walked out of the theater after watching Titanic is, "Jack (Leonardo DiCaprio) totally forgot about his poor friend who sneaked onboard Titanic together with him when the ship is sinking."
Unknown said…


我不明白為何有人可以將Twilight系列與Anne Rice相比...
Backoff said…
i don't think the Twilight series should be compared to Anne Rice's works on vampire. Anne Rice's works are more fundamental in a way that they literally changed the way people and movies position vampires in the last 10, 15yrs.

before her works, vampires were thoughtless, brutal animal-like monstrous creatures traditionally. Anne Rice created an entire vampire cult which is elegant and ugly at the same time, with it's own rules and politics. and most differentiating of all, these vampires are all young and pretty, almost noble.

Stephenie Meyer's works are love stories, mostly, riding on such cult and world framework already built by Rice's Vampire Chronicles. therefore, they shouldn't be compared since their are targeting different segments in marketing terms.
Unknown said…
you're right, pal. i shouldn't have compared Stephenie Meyer with Anne Rice, a more likely/suitable comparison should be Stephenie Meyer v.s fanfiction, with a big fat Mary Sue being the heroine who lives ONLY for her love to the perfect 'prince charming' hero...plain and simple.

yup, it starts to scare me.

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