我真有一個不明白: 為什麼住半山區的人可以養狗? 住公共屋村甚至私人屋村的,就不可以養狗? 這到底是岐視人 ? 還是岐視狗? 我想答案是明顯不過: 岐視人! 我家在康怡花園,大業主是港鐵,一家經常提倡企業責任,公眾形象好到不得了的大機構,但是她卻岐視她所有的住客! 不準住客養動物,即使只是一隻小家貓或者只是一隻細貴族狗,她都要趕盡殺絕! 管你把她掉到馬路去好,還是送到漁農署又或者要愛護動物協會好…. 總之牠們不能在康怡花園內出現。 至於牠們的生生死死,我港鐵都不管,否則我天天你發律師信,每封盛惠三千大元,全數由你小業主負責,看你有幾大能耐一次又一次付這律師費! 鬼叫你養狗? 這個根本就是欺凌! 說白了就是岐視! 不能住半山,就不要養狗! 港鐵岐視你們付不起一次又一次的律師費,非要你把小貓小狗弄走不可! 這個就是提倡企業責任,公眾形象好到不得了港鐵的真面目。 我的小狗,張錢錢已經十三嵗,如果以人的年齡來計,她已經是九十一嵗的高齡,眼又蒙耳又聾的老人,平日她是跟我家人住,簡中到康怡家來探望我,我們是一家人,家人來採我有什麼不妥? 錢錢是一隻老狗又不是一隻老虎, 又不會傷人,為什麼來探家人都不成? 港鐵這個大業真是衰得離譜! 港鐵這個行為令我情緒非常受困擾,一是我搬,一是我不能常常看到錢錢。港鐵港鐵,如果這是你們的所謂良心企業,我呸! 正如陶傑說一個社會是不是文明,看她們如何看待動物權益,動物權益是其中的一把尺; 看一個企業是不是文明,這個同樣是一把尺。 港鐵和康怡花園是不是文明企業,讓大家安居樂業? 你說呢?
第一,一句「欽點董建華做特首」就給妳演活了「國王的新衣」裡面小孩子的角式,但惹來江主席怒罵一句「Too simple,sometimes naive」。轟動中、港、台。我們目睹一顆新彗星的誕生。在一些擦鞋仔眼中妳的缺點是否太坦白呢﹖
無論如何,You are great!
the way you've forced and anticipated him to answer, "yes, i support 董" and then draw your "欽點" implication is really not a very sophisitcated thing to do. it reminded me of high-school debates. the old man knew and understand clearly what you are trying to do and get pixxed off. i think partly because of his pride being ripped, but also partly because he enjoyed and proud playing games with the western media but felt 吹脹 with hk media. (sorry about the wording)
do not get me wrong, i've always respected and admired you professionally since you were one of the most ambitious and industrious reporter i've ever seen on tv screen. but i think one could always dig out sth to learn from even most terrible experience. and i bet you did.
may be i am 班門弄斧, but i'd rather ask, "do you currently see not better candidate other than 董?"... he may still need to answer "yes" or maybe he could come up with a wonderful answer, anyway, you would not need to draw the 欽點 implication yourself. it could be a better show to the smart audience in front of tv, i don't know.
well, but then it wouldn't be as interesting and dramatic as a "too simple, sometimes naive" story.