
台灣總統大選, 紀念品多得很,
tshirt, 杯子, 毛巾, batch都少不了,
今年藍營多了一個.....就是 "九萬" 麻雀...意味馬英九和蕭萬長"食糊"
果然! 小馬哥大贏綠營二百萬票,
嬴太多, 令反對者再無不服選舉結果的藉口,


hehewah said…
hehewah said…
Wong Chi Ho said…
Dear Sharon,

I am very happy to see Mr Ma, being elected as the leader of Taiwan. After seeing these photos of the sovenoirs, I feel that all of them are lovely.
I am watching the TV programme about Taiwan Election. In my opinion, it is quite challanging for Mr Ma to cope with oproblems of Taiwan. Taiwan is facing serious economic and social situations. Only high moral standard is not sufficient for him to bring Taiwan to a bright future. He can also learn the experience of Hong Kong, about solving economic problems. I think it is useful for him to improve Taiwan 's economy.
How is your mum? I heard that she was not well. I hope your mum to be happy forever.
Ho Wong
chi lung lau said…
johnkoo said…
小馬哥的紀念品也太精緻了, 應該是會升值的!
cableitoh said…
To be honest, there is no problem with Taiwan. The facts is, Taiwan is not facing the truth that the whole world is almost economically depends on China.

Money is the main driving force for each of the economic body. Is just that the ex-Taiwan president (陳 水 扁) is stupid not to see this.

I am glad to see him (陳 水 扁) go!

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