
我記得幾年前, 有一間大學做過調查指,港人的快樂指數每況愈下, 也就是說,大部份的香港人都活得不太快樂. 不快樂, 有很多原因. 又或者說, 我們社會缺乏令人可以快樂起來的原素.

先說說其中一個令人不快樂的原因: 香港的貧富問題.
早幾天報紙說李首富用十億來建一個大型觀音像, 據說這個風水山頭本來是開放公家的, 現在可能變成首富的私人X堂. 十億做一個X堂, 香港人幾多人要為一日為三餐憂心,上午要為下午擔憂,解決了今天又要為明天擔心? 他們這些人都很努力, 但仍然是三餐不繼. 這樣的日子誰也不可能快樂; 但是即使像我這一類沒有太大經濟壓力的一幫人,其實也不快樂,為什麼? 因為我們一樣都好努力, 但總是低人一層. 我老是想, 即使我再努力一倍, 得的東西都不會多一倍. 比起這些富豪, 或他們二代, 三代, 四代, 我們始終低一層, 不是因為能力問題, 而是他們的雪球效應好大. 在香港, 努力可以創造明天的這一類話開始有點失靈, 一個人所得的跟他付出的努力早己不是正比, 當一個人錢越多, 他的社會資源就越大, 他的財富/影響力也只會像雪球一樣不斷滾上去.

另一個令人不快樂的源頭就是將逼近的特首選舉. 這個選舉影響我的生活卻又是與我無關, 因為我們這些一般人根本沒法參與. 現在每天打開報紙電視, 都是聽這幾位x以候選人的廢話, 擦鞋的說話. 自己說未決定選不選, 但又天天跳出來說三道四. 又或者口口聲聲說承擔 , 但當年85000被人罵得狗血淋頭時, 又未見他出來承擔. 三朝兩天就被逼聽這幫人發表 "偉論", 你說我如何快樂起來?

股市天天向下插, 我的一些小本已經血本無歸. 雖然李純恩說, 一天未賣都未算輸, 這個只是自我安慰的說話. 錢困死了在股市, 天天又捱着港元不斷x值. 這樣的心情是不是比灰天更灰?我的快樂指數已經到達歷史低位.

要做個有錢人不容易,因為搵食從來都不容易的,要出頭更難; 但是在香港要做一個快樂的人,原來卻更難


Kyle said…
Sharon baby, time to learn hedging and bet the market to go down. Look into index funds and I wish I can tell you what is tradable in the Hong Kong market. (any other Sharon's fans here know??) I only invest in the US and here are some of the hedging examples: FAS/FAZ(finance), FXI/FXP(china), QLD/QID(nasdaq), SSO/SPXU(s&p500). Maybe it's a little late now and the US market might bounce back when the next fiscal year begins in September. However, it's very difficult to look for the long term. Hong Kong's iBond is probably the safest for now. Be safe and good luck :) xoxo
kaixin said…
當我不快樂的時候,我會去睇書,去游水,去打波,去睇Food Channel, 去學人研究紅樓夢...
新聞背後 said…
唉! 真的不快樂.我很想可以停車熄c半年, 休息一下.這幾年真的累死了.
kaixin said…
半年如果太長,一個月都好啊!管他的!去旅行,去游蕩,whatever! Life is short!
David said…
Depend on the definition of your happiness.

If it is within your expectations, you should be happy.

Going after money will not make you happy, instead it will increase your stress.

Especially in Hong Kong,roughly 10%of the GDP is controlled by a few famous rich family. The rest of the citizen had worked their butts to go after what they want in order to satisfy their happiness.

Unless H.K. and the People's Republic of China change the structure of the society, otherwise, we can never find happiness in the above place.

Dear Sharon, if I were you, I will ask for a leave of absence from the Big Boss and travel aboard with my other half or/and my parents for half years........

The Mighty one will take care of us.
Eric Wong said…
不如靜下來,想想內心真正想要些甚麼?是金錢.愛情.或是權力?滿足慾望的過程時是會很刺激,但未必得到快樂, 只會要求更多刺激。
David said…
Dear Sharon, please forgive me for using your blog to express my feeling this moring...

Mr. Jack Layton,our opposition leader passed away this morning because of Cancer. He wins his race, but he lost his battle.

The residents of Vancouver has to consume 92% of their take home income to purchase a dream home. Oversea tourists and immigrants can purchase brand new houses with CASH. They don't have to go through the mortgage processing, they are extremely rich. Where they earn their money....

Hong Kong, the place where I spent my chidhood, with an rate of inflation more than 7%. The rate will continue to increase.

How can the citizen survive there??? When I was there, life was simple and comfortable. What happened to the Pearl of Oriental??
金多勵 said…
To be honest with you, I truly believe that you are not satisfied with your reward. You thought you should have made more at work, gained in your investment and a vote in electing the CE. You are not alone, whiners are everywhere, there are even millions in the DEMOCRATIC USA. You should be happy to have your parents who love you more than anything in the world. You should be happy to be educated so you can earn your living. You should be happy with what you have and not be affected by things that you fall short of, especially those you can never make them into your agenda. You should be happy to have this blog where you can share your views with so many others. Don't shut yourself down like what you did a few years back. A lot of Fund Managers believe in investing in RMB, why not give it a try. Smile.
子蠢 said…
Unknown said…

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